Chances are you've encountered this notorious noisemaker in grade school where it is introduced as a learning instrument used for teaching the fundamentals of music before moving on to a real band instrument, and you've likely not seen this instrument after your brief childhood scrape with the thing. In the hands of children, the recorder’s reputation suffers greatly; it is unforgiving of even the most minor mistakes; it is indeed a nightmare for anyone within earshot of the young student.

Because of its contemporary use, this unique instrument is largely misunderstood as a shrill, ear-piercing plastic toy incapable of making real music. This belief is perpetuated by lack of instruction in schools and thus discouragement from sore-eared parents, impatience of the frustrated student, and ignorance of what makes a quality instrument.

I am going to dispel the curse of screech from your recorder and help you realize it is a supremely sweet flute unmatched in tonal quality. With information about the instrument, basic instructions for playing, and tips for consistently producing a sweet tone, you’ll be surprised with the quality of music you can produce.

Titanic - My Heart Will Go On

Difficulty: Easy

Requirement: able to play chromatically from C5 to D6.

Note this video is illustrates F (Fa) for German fingering. If you play Baroque fingering, just play F as you normally would.